Another update to my Max 9 SMD export plug-in.

This update should address the bug where normals were being exported with the value “-1.#IND000” instead of something sane. I’m not 100% sure if this bug is caused by user error with bad modelling, Visual Studio 2005 or Max’s 3DXI interface. Either way, I used a completely different approach to retrieve the normals vectors and this seems to solve it.

I’m starting to think that 3DXI is a really buggy system and wish I’d not used it at all now. While it’s pushed as being a simple API for people writing game export plug-in’s, I seem to be constantly coding around bugs in it with more “pure” Max SDK code.

Anyway, update your plug-in to the latest version and let me know of any more bugs.

I was hoping to post the final bug fixes needed to my SMD Exporter this week and make some more progress on the SMD Importer but this week hasn’t quite gone as planned.

Since Monday, I’ve a really bad case of combined tonsilitis and glandular fever which has left me feeling pretty damn awful and not very productive. I’ve put up with it so far but this afternoon, while trying to clear my throat, something ruptured and I found myself in chronic pain and a mouth full of blood. I was lucky that a I managed to get a doctors appointment within 30 mins but it’s never comforting when they look in your mouth and utter the words “Oh. My. God…”

Luckily everything is ok, the bleeding has stopped and it seems it was nothing serious. Just the fact everything was so swollen back there that trying to clear my throat left no room for manouvre and something got squeezed too hard.

Either way, I’ve got ten days of medication to take in the hopes of making this go away and get my voice back. As soon as I’m feeling better I can get the updates done.

Mar. 12, 2007 @ 04:12

I’ve made a small update to GUIStudioMDL 2 which addes a couple of small additional features found in the latest SDK model compiler. These are:

  • Added “No Warnings” option.
  • Added extra XBox processing option.
  • Added truncated LOD levels option.

The Xbox processing function is what generates all those extra .xbox files when you build a model. I figured that unless your a Source license holder it’s unlikely your making XBox content so I turned it off by default.

The truncated LOD level option takes the LOD level you select and makes that level 0 and moves all the other levels up. This isn’t the LOD distance you set in the QC file but the level numbers you see under the model tab in HLMV. So if you set this to 3, level 3 becomes level 0, level 4 becomes level 1, etc. If you use XBox processing, the LOD is automatically truncated from level 2.

Mar. 11, 2007 @ 20:22

About 8 years ago I moved from the UK to Sweden with my then girlfriend. She was Swedish and when my mates first found out about her I got the usual “ooh! I bet she’s a right nypho eh? *nudge* *nudge*“. As time went on this same question came up more and more and then, after I moved, trips back home would result in similarly phrased questions as to the promiscuity of Swedish females.

To be honest, it got a bit boring because once you’ve lived here for a while you start to realise this idea that people have of Sweden and it’s people isn’t true. Sure, they’re much more open about sex and sexuality in general, but the idea that women are all 6 feet tall, blonde, have big boobs (average cup size is B) and just can’t wait to get their kit off and have sex with you is sadly, untrue.

A while ago I read an interesting article about where this idea of Swedish people comes from and the stereotype that their just a bunch or raving nyphomaniacs. It appears to be a throw back the work of Luigi Scattini, a 1968 fim called “Svezia, inferno e paradiso” or to give it it’s English title “Sweden: Heaven and Hell” which when show outside of Sweden caused so much fuss people really did believe Sweden was like that. Seems the idea stuck through the generations.

As a bit of luck, someone has just uploaded the very film which seems to of caused the stereo type. Here it is for your viewing pelasure!

Oh and you’ll never guess which song made it’s debut in the original soundtrack.

Mar. 11, 2007 @ 18:22

If you have a question you want to ask me, feel free to add me to your MSN.

However, dont’ add me then NEVER send me a message. Seriously, the past week I’ve had 15 people add me to MSN and never say why.

When people do that, if they haven’t said anything for a week I delete/block them. So seriously, if you want to talk to me do so but if no, don’t be suprised in MSN suddenly doesn’t work for sending me messages.

I was looking through some code in the Source SDK and found this little gem last night. I can’t believe I hadn’t spotted it before and theres little or no documention about it over at the Valve Wiki.

Ever looked at the skeleton for a Valve character model and wondered what all those extra bones are around the joints? I’m talking about the wrist, elbow, knee, ankle, etc. bones. If like me you started modding with Half-Life 1, your used to the more common bones with he Valve Biped rig and these extra ones seem a bit superfluous.

Truth is, their and incredible help to animating if you set them up as procedural bones, that is, bones who animation is not created by you but internally by the Source engine itself. Used correctly they’ll pretty much erradicate those annoying twists you get around joints like the wrist.

Read the rest of this entry »

Mar. 7, 2007 @ 15:28

Quite a few of you have downloaded my Max 9 SMD exporter now and thanks to everyone who did and helped by reporting bugs and giving feedback – it was a great help indeed. Two subjects I’ve recieved a lot of feeback on are “Are you going to convert your exporter for other Max versions?” and “Are you going to make and SMD importer too?”.

I figured I’d answer both of these question in detail as some of the more technically inclined users might find the information interesting…

Read the rest of this entry »