Mar. 12, 2007 @ 04:12
Small GUIStudioMDL 2 update

I’ve made a small update to GUIStudioMDL 2 which addes a couple of small additional features found in the latest SDK model compiler. These are:

  • Added “No Warnings” option.
  • Added extra XBox processing option.
  • Added truncated LOD levels option.

The Xbox processing function is what generates all those extra .xbox files when you build a model. I figured that unless your a Source license holder it’s unlikely your making XBox content so I turned it off by default.

The truncated LOD level option takes the LOD level you select and makes that level 0 and moves all the other levels up. This isn’t the LOD distance you set in the QC file but the level numbers you see under the model tab in HLMV. So if you set this to 3, level 3 becomes level 0, level 4 becomes level 1, etc. If you use XBox processing, the LOD is automatically truncated from level 2.

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